
7 06, 2023

Weekly Prayer 6.7.23

2023-06-07T09:27:31-05:00June 7th, 2023|

Lord of all creation, be in us. Lead us to embrace the wonder of all that is and all that will be. May our thinking be open to the joy of newness and change. Enable us to see the gift of differences and the blessings of diversity. Made in your image, we can be exactly [...]

31 05, 2023

Weekly Prayer 5.31.23

2023-05-31T11:48:58-05:00May 31st, 2023|

Holy Spirit, come and fill us with your power. Come, Holy Spirit, come and shower us with your grace. Divine Counselor, come and be in us and work through us. As night longs for morning, we long for you. As an infant needs tender care, we need you to tend to us. We are yours [...]

24 05, 2023

Weekly Prayer 5.24.23

2023-05-23T11:33:08-05:00May 24th, 2023|

“For we are God’s masterpiece… (Ephesians 2:10 NLT) God of all, we praise you for your love and never-ending surprises. As Spring paints the earth, you awaken us to its beauty. We see the splendor in each bud as it blossoms to reveal the flower within. Each blade of grass holds the secret of your [...]

3 05, 2023

Weekly Prayer 5.3.23

2023-05-03T11:47:09-05:00May 3rd, 2023|

Merciful God, I thank you for today. I am grateful that in the middle of the chaos of this life, you are near. I look out of my window and the sun is shining and I can hear the chatter of the birds arguing over their territory. I am awed that as chase one another, [...]

25 04, 2023

Weekly Prayer 4.25.23

2023-04-25T10:44:15-05:00April 25th, 2023|

Prayer for creation God of power and might, pour your Holy Spirit upon us. We come with thanksgiving for all that you have done. We trust that you are still working in and through us. We praise you for the sweet assurance that you will hold us close and heal our brokenness. But Lord, our [...]

19 04, 2023

Weekly Prayer 4.19.23

2023-04-18T10:20:39-05:00April 19th, 2023|

Lord of life, I praise and adore you. As the flowers stretch to the sun, I stretch to grow closer to you. You provide all that I need to thrive. Thank you for pouring your breath into me and filling me with the true source of joy, your Spirit within me. As the sun rises, [...]

13 04, 2023

Weekly Prayer 4.13.23

2023-04-13T11:26:35-05:00April 13th, 2023|

Amazing God, we come to you in awe and wonder. We cannot fathom that you could love us so completely that Jesus would die for our sins. We are grateful to be reminded of this gift and the cost as we journeyed through Lent. Please forgive us for ignoring your grace as we choose our [...]

3 04, 2023

Holy Week Prayer

2023-04-03T10:10:45-05:00April 3rd, 2023|

Again, dear Jesus, we are here again. Holy Week has begun. Even though we know that it’s coming, it never gets easier. The celebration of Palm Sunday brings us such joy but is quickly dissolved by a week of growing sadness. Knock over the tables of our resistance to follow you as you desire. Send [...]

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