Amazing God, we come to you in awe and wonder. We cannot fathom that you could love us so completely that Jesus would die for our sins. We are grateful to be reminded of this gift and the cost as we journeyed through Lent. Please forgive us for ignoring your grace as we choose our own way. Forgive us for pretending that we don’t need you every moment of our own lives. Compassionate God, pour your tender mercy upon us and set us free from the guilt and shame we carry.

We look at the empty cross and give thanks for your sacrifice. Open our hearts, minds and spirits to fully embrace Easter and what it means for us. Cleanse us, O God, and renew our spirits so we might be aligned to your image. Plant us firmly on the path that leads to life. There is no one like you who can satisfy our longings. Your unconditional love fills us with immeasurable joy and draws us to praise you! Hear our hallelujahs as a sign of thanksgiving for our Savior Jesus Christ. His resurrection changed the world. Help us to live as Easter people! In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!   -Pastor Maria