Holy Spirit, come and fill us with your power. Come, Holy Spirit, come and shower us with your grace. Divine Counselor, come and be in us and work through us. As night longs for morning, we long for you. As an infant needs tender care, we need you to tend to us. We are yours to mold into the people you desire us to be.

Guide our footsteps, encourage our reaching out beyond the known. Let the longing of your spirit find a home in us. We are your church. We are the light you send into the darkness. Set our minds and our hearts on fire with desire to share your love with joy and thanksgiving. May this be the day that we unite as one to speak your truth and call for justice for all.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and make us bold in our conviction…make us humble in our obedience…make us Christ to a world in need. Come, Holy Spirit, come…fill us with more of you!  Amen…and amen!

-Pastor Maria