
9 08, 2023

Weekly Prayer 8.9.23

2023-08-16T11:13:56-05:00August 9th, 2023|

God of us all, we praise you and thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for the abundance of gifts that you pour within us. We know that you bless us beyond measure simply because we are your children. You formed us, and even when we fail you, you choose to transform [...]

2 08, 2023

Weekly Prayer 8.2.23

2023-07-29T22:31:34-05:00August 2nd, 2023|

How long, O God, must we wait? How long must we sit in this confusion? We know that you hold the answers. We trust that you want what is best for us. We believe you have the power to save us. And still, we wait…wondering when you will answer. Answer us, Merciful One. Let us [...]

1 08, 2023

August Missions Project

2023-08-01T23:28:38-05:00August 1st, 2023|

Help us build a Temple of Food! During August, we are building a Temple of Food for the New Hope Food Pantry in Olathe, KS    Donate specific non-perishable donations each week and place them in the sanctuary or shopping cart in Fellowship Hall.   Week of August 6: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Pasta, and Spaghetti Sauce Week [...]

26 07, 2023

Weekly Prayer 7.26.23

2023-07-23T20:13:34-05:00July 26th, 2023|

In the darkness, I come to you. Longing to hear your voice…seeking to find comfort. As the first light of morning dances across the horizon, I speak your name and await your answer. I keep calling, Lord, and I will keep waiting. But you, Precious Savior, come when the time is right. You come when [...]

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