
7 06, 2023

Weekly Prayer 6.7.23

2023-06-07T09:27:31-05:00June 7th, 2023|

Lord of all creation, be in us. Lead us to embrace the wonder of all that is and all that will be. May our thinking be open to the joy of newness and change. Enable us to see the gift of differences and the blessings of diversity. Made in your image, we can be exactly [...]

31 05, 2023

Weekly Prayer 5.31.23

2023-05-31T11:48:58-05:00May 31st, 2023|

Holy Spirit, come and fill us with your power. Come, Holy Spirit, come and shower us with your grace. Divine Counselor, come and be in us and work through us. As night longs for morning, we long for you. As an infant needs tender care, we need you to tend to us. We are yours [...]

30 05, 2023

June Missions Project

2023-05-30T14:08:40-05:00May 30th, 2023|

JUNE MISSIONS PROJECT All are welcome to participate in helping us collect and donate new and gently used (clean) tennis shoes  in all sized to The Hub Clothing Closet this month. The HUB Argentine is located at the Metropolitan Ave UMC building in the Argentine community and is a new ministry of the Kansas City [...]

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