Generous God, I see you in the sky as the night gives way to the rising sun. I can hear you in the whistling of the wind, saying it’s time to awaken. I feel you in the fog as it caresses the air and ground. You are everywhere surrounding and upholding me. I am safe in your embrace.

You are the star that lights my way and the rainbow that proclaims your promises. Every day is a gift and an opportunity to give you praise. I shout your name into the early morning air when only the trees seem to hear me. But you do…you hear me and answer in the voice of the morning dove. Linger with me, Lord. I long to walk in your shadow.

Stay until the world awakens and the sound of hallelujahs fill the air. I am blessed by this time and grateful for your love. Remember me as I wander through this day and guard me. I pray my work this day is pleasing to you. Amen.

-Pastor Maria