“Be still and know…” Psalm 46:10a

In the stillness, I come to you, O God. In those moments when there is no answer and nowhere to turn, I come to you. When I wonder what to do and there are so many directions to turn, I come. I call to you but waiting is hard. Yet I come believing that I will find you, even when I cannot hear you. I come believing you are near, even though I cannot see you. I come longing to feel your presence.

In the stillness, I come trusting that you love me and because you love me, I will find you. When the quiet overwhelms me, I pray you will hear me and guide me closer. You are my God. To you alone, I trust my deepest fears and find comfort. Be still with me, Lord of all my days. Be in the stillness when I stumble and catch me before I fall. Be the stillness that my spirit needs to learn. Help me to know you more.

Be still with me, Gracious One, and be the silence my soul needs to be at peace. Show me the way that is LIFE. Let your stillness form and transform me and make me whole. I hear when you whisper, “Be still and know that I am God.” I love you God. I want to know as you want to be known. Allow me to meet you in the stillness. Lead me, Lord, for you are my rock and salvation. Amen.           Pastor Maria