“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 106:1

Dear God, we praise you for you are good! We see it in the beauty of your creation and hear it in the melody sung by the birds. We have been given all that we have, and every part of our lives is filled with reminders of your goodness. Lead us to be attuned to your presence, which is the greatest gift of all. You fill us with your love so it might be poured into others. You direct us with your word, which is for us to share. You comfort us with your tender touch that often comes through the hands of another.

Forgive us, Holy One, for not acknowledging all that you do to demonstrate your love. Each day is a banquet feast filled with your bountiful harvest and yet we complain we do not have enough. Remind us that you have been and will always be more than enough. You are the breath we forget to take as you breathe life into us. You are the solid foundation we need when we feel unsteady and the compass when we feel lost.

You, O God, are our Savior and Counselor. Thank you for choosing us even when we choose not to listen. Your faithfulness is our light in the darkness of fear and doubt. We praise you with our whole being for never giving up on us. Your steadfast love is our hope and salvation. Amen.

-Pastor Maria