Be in us, O God. We thank you for always being with us and working through us. The world is full of challenges but you keep your promise to be with us to protect us. Guard our hearts and heal our spirits as we strive to build your kingdom here on earth. Let your presence be made known to others through us. Use our words express your love and compassion, and our actions to demonstrate your faithfulness. In moments of distress and fear, give us the courage and fortitude not to doubt.

Be the light in us that can lead others to seek you and want to know you. Direct our neighbors to desire the life that you hold for each one of us. And please, O Lord, encourage us to patient and persevere when our invitations go unanswered. You urge us to be persistent so others can experience the love and joy we have found in you. Strengthen our resolve and assure us that we are being faithful to you. There is no greater treasure that we can share than to offer the way to life in you.

Be our vision…be our hope…be our all-in-all. Amen.

-Pastor Maria