Holy One, I come to you to offer my praise. You have formed me to know you and to love you. You have showered me with grace to strengthen me as I learn to love others. Forgive me when I resist the tug to draw near to your beloved. Open my heart to know them as you do. Open my mouth to speak to them with compassion and kindness. Open my ears to voices different than mine.

In the early morning before others are awake, guide me to pray for those who need you and your powerful healing presence. Let them feel the assurance of your hand upon them so they can move in confidence. Give them the words to express their needs but also their gratitude.

Lord, you have designed us to live in fruitful relationships. Show us the way to make that real in our own lives and grant us the ability to teach others. I desire to serve you as you want me to serve, even when it requires me to be uncomfortable. I thank you for every moment when fear led me to sublime joy.

There is nothing that I need that you do not provide. And there is no place I go that you have not prepared the way for me. Let every day be my gift to you. In thanksgiving, I pray in the Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Pastor Maria Campbell

Congregational Care Team

Heritage United Methodist Church