Gracious One, be with me this Advent as I wait. Waiting is hard, because it holds so much uncertainty. During this season, guide my thoughts so I am free to hear you. Guard my words, so they are worthy of your hearing. Lord, there is so much that is unknown in the world. There is so much that you have yet to reveal. But I trust that you hold the answers. Calm my spirit and give me courage as I wait.

In this holy season of preparing, I long to be near you. I wait and wonder what it means to be ready for you to come. My heart sings, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and yet I know I am not ready. What would it mean for you to appear today? How would my world change? I seek your coming even though I can’t imagine what that would mean for me and those I love.

Come, Prince of Peace, into this present time and make yourself known. Do not hide in a stable, do not wander the hillside. Be with me, and change the darkness into light. I long to walk the path you desire. Show me the way to you. Direct me away from all the distractions that cause me to wander. Come and dwell with me in this world that you are still making new. Be the star in my sky and the light for my moon. Bring peace to my heart and soul. I ask this in the name of the One who promises to return. Amen.

-Pastor Maria