Holy One, we come to you with much upon our hearts and minds. We know there are people suffering all around us. Help us to be an answer to their prayers. We know that there are children who need to be loved, turn the hearts of the people that surround them. And when you are calling us, open our ears to listen. We know that our world is polarized, our country is polarized and so is our state. Pour your wisdom upon our leaders and let your voice be the one they hear. We know there are wars in distant places. Guide us to remember the people whose lives are being broken.  Remind us that we are all your children and your heart breaks, and ours should too.

When we call out, O God, please answer our cries. We want to be faithful. We want to care for others, but sometimes it becomes so overwhelming. Inspire our thinking and let us see what you see. Tenderize our hearts to be more compassionate. Energize us to take part in what you are doing to bring healing to those in need. Show us how to be hopeful, so we can radiate your light. We ask this on Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

-Pastor Maria