God of grace and power, I praise you for loving me as I am. Your mercy lifts me from the dark valley and brings me peace. In the midst of struggle, you lead me to safety and offer me a drink of kindness. All that I am and all that I have is because you love me. I am yours and I pray that you are mine. I cannot fathom the depth of your faithfulness, but I am grateful for it. Knowing that you are near gives me strength and hope for better days.

In your great mercy, send your Holy Spirit upon me to lead us into the future that you want for me. Trusting in your desire for my good, I am willing to follow wherever you wish me to go. And Lord, when I lose sight of you, forgive me and call me back. Every day is a chance to begin anew but each day is also your gift. Help me to use all days wisely. Go before me to guide me. Go beside me to comfort me. In the name of Jesus and the power of your Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen.

-Pastor Maria