This Week at Heritage |
Worship with us: Sunday at 9:30am Watch Worship on YouTube: View and print this week’s bulletin:
If you would like a copy of our All Saint’s List, contact Dawn Beck, or call the church office. |
Fall Back this weekend Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour Saturday night. _________________________________ ‘A Disciple’s Path’ Study Wednesday, Nov 10 & 17, 6:30-8pm There’s still time to join this two week discipleship study based on the book ‘A Disciple’s Path’ by James Harnish. Study discipleship from a Wesleyan perspective, devolop deeper spiritual practices and learn how to effectively engage in ministries that bring transformation to your life and the lives of others. This book study is led by Pastor Maria and is perfect for both new and long time members. RSVP to Dawn Beck, so we can get a book to you. _________________________________ All Church Conference Monday, Nov 22 6:30 pm _________________________________ Missions Team Christmas Angels * Select an angel ornament from the Christmas tree on the Missions Table in Fellowship Hall. * Go shopping & purchase item(s) listed on back of angel. * Drop UNWRAPPED donated items back off at the Missions table, by November 30th. * Tax receipts are available at the Missions Table. * Too busy to shop? Purchase a SCRIP gift card and the Missions Team will do your ANGEL shopping for you. SCRIP cards are available for purchase 11/14 and 11/28. Contact Cindy Svec, with questions.
2021 Christmas Angel donations will be given to the following community partners: The HUB, Growing Futures, Cross-Lines, Mahaffie Elementary School, and New Hope Food Pantry _________________________________ Coming Soon: Children’s Christmas Post Office Look for this new addition to Advent at Heritage coming soon to Fellowship Hall. Contact Elise, for more info. _________________________________ We Have a Place for YOU this Christmas! __________________________________ Christmas Decorating Party Sun, Nov 21 Stay after worship and help us decorate Heritage for Christmas. There will be jobs and things to do for all ages! The Worship Team is providing donuts & hot chocolate for everyone!
Hanging of the Greens Worship Service Sun, Nov 28 9:30 am ________________________________ Live Nativity & Forest of Trees Sun, Dec 19 – 4:30-6pm Walk through the sights & sounds of Christmas at this come and go event at Heritage. Experience the peace, joy, love and light of Advent & celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Light refreshments will be served. _________________________________ Candlelight Christmas Eve Services Dec 24 at 4pm & 7pm Communion served at both services.
We strongly encourage that everyone wear a mask while indoors. We ask that anyone who is unvaccinated wear a mask. Children and those working with children must wear a mask. Church Office Hours: 9am-3pm M-TH |