This Week at Heritage |
Worship with us Sunday at 9:30am Watch on YouTube: View and print the bulletin: ______________________________ Our second shipment of pumpkins arrives this Sunday, Oct 10 at 10:30am. All hands are needed to help unload the additional pumpkins as sales are soaring and we are on target to meet our goal of selling over $30,000 worth of pumpkins. Join us for the fun! We will have donuts and treats for all volunteers. All are welcome to help. Invite your friends and neighbors. ______________________________ Honoring our Heritage with Generosity Thank you for your generous acceptance of Christian stewardship as you pray to find the level of giving that is right for you and your family. Your pledges and contributions are a critical part of how we can make a difference in our church, our community, and our world. Please complete this commitment card: Bring it to worship on or before the Heritage 35th Anniversary Celebration, Sunday, October 24, 2021. If you are unable to be at worship, please mail in your card or drop it by the church office. You may change your commitment at any time. If you have any questions about this card, please call the church at 913.897.6446 and ask to speak with Stacey O’Neill. _______________________________________________ Celebrate with us on Sunday, October 24 There will special things happening during worship and there will be a catered, served meal after worship!
We are collecting memorabilia from our 35 years. Please contact Tammy Kapeller, if you have any brochures, coffee mugs, t-shirts etc. you would like to share for our memorabilia exhibit. __________________________________ Trunk or Treat Saturday, Oct 30th, 4-5:30P Donate candy, sign up to decorate a trunk or help with games and other activities on the day of the event. Sign up here: Contact Elise Mashburn, if you have any questions or would like to help with Trunk or Treat. __________________________________ Pumpkins for Missions The pumpkin patch is open daily 10am-7pm. Volunteers greet pumpkin customers, help them select the perfect pumpkins, collect cash payment, maintain the pumpkin patch and have a whole lot of fun! Use this link to sign up for a volunteer shift! Questions, please contact Cindy Svec, __________________________________
NOW is the time for you to make a difference in the life of Heritage UMC. Your active participation is needed in 2022 to support our Ministry Teams and to make a difference in all that we do to WORSHIP, GROW, SERVE. We challenge you to select at least one ministry team to serve/ask for more info/or to continue to support and to share your gifts. Pick up a Ministry Exploration Form in the church office or print is off from this link: Turn in your completed form to the church office or email it to __________________________________ Save these Dates: November 21 All Church Christmas Decorating Party
November 28 Hanging of the Greens Service
December 19 Live Nativity & Forest of Trees 4:30-6pm
December 24 Christmas Eve services 4pm & 7pm ________________________ We strongly encourage that everyone wear a mask while indoors. We ask that anyone who is unvaccinated wear a mask. Children and those working with children must wear a mask.
Church Office Hours: 9am-3pm Monday – Thursday