Worship with us: Sunday at 9:30am Watch Worship on YouTube: View and print this week’s bulletin: |
Heritage Memory Tree
Bring an ornament for the memory tree in honor of a loved one who has passed.
Ornaments may be brought all through Advent.
Hang ornaments before or after worship on Sunday or anytime during the week.
Tags are available at the back of the sanctuary for loved ones names.
Ornaments will be returned to you after Jan 2.
Advent Prayer Tree
Say a prayer and tie a ribbon on the Prayer Tree in the Sanctuary during Advent.
Ribbons are available at the back of the sanctuary and may be tied to the Prayer Tree before or after worship on Sunday or anytime during the week

Missions Team Fundraiser- SCRIP Orders due this Sunday for pick up before Christmas!
Purchase SCRIP gift cards for holiday shopping and gift giving. SCRIP gift cards work at your favorite retailer, restaurant and for your Amazon orders. Every card earns money for the Missions team! Orders placed by 12/05/2021 will be ready for pick up 12/12/2021 __________________________________ During the month of December, we will be collecting Diapers and Diaper wipes for Growing Futures. Growing Futures is a community-based, comprehensive early education program that gives young children from at-risk backgrounds the skills they need to be successful in school and life. Growing Futures is a not-for-profit 501C 3 organization that relies on support from government grants, private foundations and generous individuals in the community who donate their resources to make their program a success. They are in specific need of Size 1, 5, & 6 diapers, and Size 4T/5T pull-ups. __________________________________
Live Nativity & Forest of Trees Walk Sun, Dec 19 – 4:30-6pm Walk through the sights & sounds and story of Christmas at this come and go event. Experience the peace, joy, love and light of Advent & celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Light refreshments will be served. This event is open to the community. We hope you will invite your family and friends. If you would like to bring a tree and decorate it for the Forest of Trees, contact Dawn Beck, dawnb@heritageumc.org to arrange a time to add your tree to the forest. Looking for shepherd, angels, and wisemen for Live Nativity If you would like to be a character in our Live Nativity on Dec 19, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f45aaa729a2fb6-live __________________________________
Christmas EveCandlelightServices4pm & 7pmCommunion wil be served at both services The 7pm service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
__________________________________ We strongly encourage that everyone wear a mask while indoors. We ask that anyone who is unvaccinated wear a mask. Children and those working with children must wear a mask. Church Office Hours: 9am-3pm M-TH |