This Week at Heritage 01.01.22Wishing you a happy New Year! |
![]() Worship with us this Sunday: In Person & live stream at 9:30 amHere’s the link to take you to our worship service on YouTube: View and print bulletin with this link: |
The church office will be CLOSED Monday, Jan 3__________________________________ The 2022 Bible Reading Plan – Introducing our new format for Bible 365Follow along with the daily reading plan based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Each week you will read the prescribed readings for the following Sunday’s worship service. There will be weekly Zoom gatherings on Tuesdays at 1pm CST for discussion & fellowship for all who are interested. Weekly Zoom discussion classes begin Tuesday Jan 4 Contact Cindy Svec,, with questions about the class, for zoom meeting info and a copy of the reading plan or pick up a class booklet in Fellowship Hall. __________________________________ From the Stewardship Team – A note of appreciation to the Heritage congregation:In our busy moments, we might be inclined to think of stewardship as “that thing the Stewardship Committee does each fall as the church prepares for a new year”. But, of course it’s much more than that. Stewardship in the United Methodist Church and specifically in the Heritage United Methodist Church is an on-going, year round venture involving our members, leadership and volunteers. In other words, “It takes a congregation”, to paraphrase a popular book title. Success is measured in many ways. From a stewardship perspective, our important indicators include a strong membership commitment of time and talents to the support of programs, mission projects and church operation. And, once again you have stepped forward to help take us in the direction charted by our church leadership. The pumpkin patch, food pantry, commodity support to Cross Lines, Christmas Angel Tree, Growing Futures and many others are among the visible evidence of your caring and giving nature. Thank you for all that you do. Not as visible, but equally important are the faithful monetary contributions that grow our programs and church operation. Here, as well, you have led us toward success. During trying times, many of you have been able to continue your pledges and giving at previous levels and others have gone beyond their previous levels. We acknowledge and appreciate the prayerful thought and consideration each of you has devoted to these personal decisions. Thank you, HUMC Stewardship Team __________________________________ Coming in 2022:HUMC LEADERSHIP TRAINING EVENTMark your calendar for Sunday, Jan 9 Join us from 10:30am-12:30pm. Event begins in Fellowship Hall. All are encouraged to come be part of what’s happening at Heritage in 2022.
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITYClasses meet in person every Thursday night at 7pm January 13, 2022 through March 10, 2022 Each class runs 90-120 minutes long Contact Kathie and Pat Newell or call the church office for more information. __________________________________ |
We strongly encourage that everyone wear a mask while indoors. We ask that anyone who is unvaccinated wear a mask. Children and those working with children must wear a mask.
Church Office Hours: 9am-3pm M-TH |