This Sunday!
The Pumpkins are Coming!
The Pumpkins are Coming!
Sept 26
The pumpkin truck is due to arrive at 10am.
We will begin unloading the truck following the worship service. There will be a hotdog lunch provided by the Missions Team and we’ll be playing the Chief’s game on the radio!
We are excited that we have this important church wide mission project to offer the community and can’t wait to spend the afternoon with you!
See You Sunday!
The pumpkin patch is open daily 10am-7pm through the end of October.
Volunteers greet pumpkin customers, help them select the perfect pumpkins, collect cash payment, maintain the pumpkin patch and have a whole lot of fun!
Use this link to sign up for a volunteer shift!
Questions, please contact Cindy Svec, cindys@heritageumc.org
Social Justice
Heritage has been involved over the past year in sponsoring the formation of a new ministry in our community called the Johnson County Interfaith Justice Organization. In September and October, we will be offering “listening sessions” where Heritage members and friends will be invited to share concerns and issues that they see within our community. We encourage you to participate in one of these sessions and to learn more about this important new ministry. You will be receiving a call from one of the Team Leaders with an invitation to attend soon or feel free to contact Cindy Svec, cindys@heritageumc.org to find out more.
Join us for World Communion Sunday on Oct 3 during worship
We will be taking a special offering on Oct 3 for UMCOR.
Here’s a short video about UMCOR, The United Methodist Committee on Relief:

Celebrate our 35th Anniversary with us on
Sunday, October 24
There will be fun, fellowship, food, memories and dreams at the service and afterwards.
If you have a memory you would like to share—pick up a sheet in the sanctuary or church office and return it to the RED BOWL in the back of the sanctuary, or email your favorite memory to Melissa Greene at mgreene@bluevalleyk12.org.

Save the Date:
October 30 – Trunk or Treat 4-5:30pm
November 21 – All Church Christmas Decorating Party
November 28 – Hanging of the Greens Service
December 19 – Live Nativity & Forest of Trees 4:30-6pm
December 24 – Christmas Eve services 4pm & 7pm
We strongly encourage that everyone wear a mask while indoors.
We ask that anyone who is unvaccinated wear a mask.
Children and those working with children must wear a mask.
Regular Church Office Hours 9am-3pm Monday –Thursday