Advent Devotion – Anticipation

But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

-Micah 7:7 (NIV)


Anticipation is a feeling that we experience when we are expecting something to happen. It is an action of looking forward to something. When we anticipate Christ, we are looking forward to being with him, spending time in His Word and sharing with others all that he shares with us.

I remember the feeling of excitement and anticipation standing with my face pressed against our sliding glass door, my eyes fixed on a place in the road, a point in the distance, where the dirt road that led to our house disappeared over the top of the hill. If I watched closely, I could see the cloud of dust just before Grandma and Grandpa’s fifth wheel came into view at the top of the hill. I was watching and waiting with anticipation for them to arrive for their   yearly summer visit. And by the time they made it down the road and pulled into the driveway, I had already run out of the house to meet them and give them a great big hug! I was so excited and looking forward to all the things that we would do in the coming weeks during their visit.

I get that same feeling of excitement and anticipation during Advent, waiting for Christmas to come. Watching for all the signs that it is almost here, the lights and decorations, the Christmas music, the hustle and bustle, the gifts and the food. But there’s something even more exciting about Christmas—The excitement of Christmas is the anticipation of Christ coming to save us. To anticipate Christmas is to anticipate Christ’s coming. To anticipate   Christmas is to watch for Christ and to fix our eyes on Jesus, a baby, born in a manger, the Savior of the World!

Are you excited Jesus is coming? Are you ready and waiting for Jesus this Christmas? Are you watching for him with your face pressed up against the glass? Are you ready to run out to meet him? Are you looking forward to the HOPE, the PEACE, the JOY and the LOVE that Christ brings?

This Advent season, I hope you experience the excitement and the anticipation of watching and waiting for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Prayer – Lord, I will watch and wait for you with joyous anticipation this Christmas! I am ready to run out to meet you and to spend time with you. Thank you for the HOPE you promise, the PEACE you provide and the JOY and LOVE you give. Help me to share with others what you have given to me. I praise Your holy name! AMEN.

-written by Dawn Beck

Advent Devotion – Anticipation