Gracious God, I praise you for you bring the morning light. Let the gentle movement of the clouds be a reminder of your kindness. As the sky brightens, let my spirit embrace your promises. You love me with a merciful spirit and care for me with unwavering attention. You are the reason that my life has meaning. I am blessed that you have given me purpose and fill me with hope.

Teach me the way to share your love in a world filled with distrust and fear. Lead me, O Mighty Counselor, to be a comforter and assure others of your goodness. In you, there is a peace that knows no bounds.

No storm can rob me of the truth that you are always with me. When uncertainty tries to steal my confidence, your hand assures me that all is well. You are the anchor that keeps me steady. You are my harbor and my joy in all circumstances. My heart is filled with thanksgiving because you claim me as your own.

I love you, my God and King. My prayer is to honor you with my life. Please let it be so.                        

                      ~Pastor Maria