God of love, we praise you for your presence in our lives. In this season of giving, we receive more from you than we give. Lead us to embrace the fullness of your love so that it overflows into others. May your spirit of generosity guide our decisions so all can experience your grace. It is a blessing to be called your children and heirs to the kingdom. Give us the confidence to step out in faith and follow when you call.
Your faithfulness strengthens us to face every challenge. Your compassion teaches us to be compassionate when others suffer. When we are ill, pour your Holy Spirit within us, and make us whole. We trust that you are able to answer every prayer and heal every situation.
Show us the way home…home to the places that shaped us. When we lose our way, guide our steps of return. Direct us to the mangers of our lives, the places that give birth to our hope. Allow your promises to come to fruition and bring us to your light. Call us to your manger…our heart’s home to celebrate the infant who came for us.
Come, Emmanuel…be born anew in us… and bring us peace. Amen.
Pastor Maria Campbell