Here’s What’s Happening at Heritage!

Join us for Worship at our Sunday Service!

Worship with us in-person or live on YouTube at 9:30 am:

Below is the link to take you to the bulletin on our website:

If you’d like to attend in-person worship, please join us. There’s no need to         pre-register.We ask that anyone over the age of 4 please wear a mask

and join us to sing and praise together!

Please enter through the main entrance Fellowship Hall doors. The North doors will be open to those in need of a handicap entrance.

If you’d like to read more about everything we are doing to keep our congregation safe, a detailed list can be found HERE on our website.


Graduation Sunday

May 16

Everyone is invited to join us for in-person worship at 9:30am, then stay for the celebration after worship.

If you would like to have your graduate included in the church newsletter, please send the information listed below by this Sunday, May 2 to Dawn Beck at

Graduate name

Parent name(s)

Graduating from what school?


Plans after graduation

(school attending, field of study, employment)





Coming Soon!

VBS 2021

Knights of the North Castle

Evenings this summer

 July 11- July 15